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Full details of Chrome adding the “picture-in-picture” web browsing feature on Android


A recent report revealed that Chrome M124 will give users the ability to open web pages within the app in “picture-in-picture mode,” allowing you to switch between the web page and the app without closing the browsing session.
This feature comes to Android apps that use custom Chrome tabs, which allows developers to provide personalized browsing experiences within their apps, and if it is available in one of the apps you use, you will see a new down arrow in the upper-left corner of the web page within the app. Press the arrow, the web page will be minimized to a floating window in the lower right corner of the screen, and you can tap the window to open the tab back up.

This feature actually seems very useful, and it is impossible to count the number of times you have to close a web page within the application to refer to something within the application, and then you lose everything you were looking for, and the feature is only Available in applications that use Chrome-based mobile browsers in For now, but hopefully others will follow suit.
