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OpenAI pays $250 million for News Corp's journalism use of ChatGPT


OpenAI and News Corp, owner of The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, The Sun, and more than a dozen other publishing brands, announced a multi-year agreement to display news from these publications in ChatGPT

According to engadget, OpenAI will be able to access current and archived content from News Corp publications and use the data to further train its AI models.
Neither company disclosed the terms of the deal, but a report in The Wall Street Journal estimated that News Corp would receive $250 million over five years in cash and credits

“The agreements recognizes that there is a premium on quality journalism,” said Robert Thompson, CEO of News Corp. “The digital age has been marked by the dominance of distributors, often at the expense of creators, and the inexorable technological tide has swept away many media companies,” he said. It is now our responsibility to make the most of this opportunity

Generative AI has boomed in popularity since OpenAI released ChatGPT at the end of 2022, but the quality of responses provided by AI chatbots depends on the quality of the data used to train the models they run

AI companies have trained their models by scraping publicly available data from the internet often without the creators' consent, but more recently, they have made financial deals with the news industry to ensure that their AI models can be trained on current, reliable information

OpenAI has announced partnerships with Reddit, the Financial Times, Associated Press, and German publisher Axel Springer, which owns Politico and Business Insider in the US, Bild and Die Welt in Germany, and Spain's Prisa, in just the past few months

News Corp also struck a deal worth between $5 million and $6 million with Google to train its AI models
